• About Us

    Since 1913, the Greater Lake City Chamber of Commerce has been cultivating partnerships with our local businesses to benefit our members and the Lake City Community.  The Greater Lake City Chamber of Commerce is the only membership organization in the Lake City area dedicated to improving the economy by uniting small and large businesses to acomplish this goal.

    Being a member gives you the opportunity to help make Lake City a better place by being involved as a local business.  Consumers think that being active in the local Chamber of Commerce is an effective strategy overall.  Studies have shown that consumers infer Chamber members are trustworthy and involved in the community.  As the first point of contact for inquiries from visitors, new residents and businesses, the Greater Lake City Chamber of Commerce makes referrals to our member businesses.  

    As the Greater Lake City Chamber of Commerce seeks to grow our economy, promote our community and be competitive in our region, cooperation between our office and local businesses becomes very vital. We hope that you will consider our invitation to join the membership of the Greater Lake City Chamber of Commerce.

  • Member Benefits

    As a member of the Greater Lake City Chamber of Commerce, your benefits include:  


    • Listing in our Membership Directory
    • Promotional opportunities on the Chamber Website and Facebook page
    • Free Event listings on the Chamber Website Calendar of Events
    • Business Referrals
    • Display of Member Business cards and brochures in the Chamber office lobby
    • Distribution of your promotional items and information in the Chamber's Welcome Bags
    • Ribbon Cuttings and promotion of Grand Openings
    • Meeting Space Availability
    • Access to Chamber fax machine, copier, and ice machine (within reason) 
    • Discounted Health Insurance Program through Blue Cross Blue Shield
    • Networking opportunities through Business After Hours and other events
    • Educational classes and seminars on business related topics 
    • Promotional opportunities through event sponsorship


    Through our partnership with ChamberMaster, the #1 provider of web-based software solutions for Chambers of Commerce, new opportunities now exist for your business to attract new customers and share information with our community and the world.  As a Chamber member, you will be issued a login name and password that will enable you to log in at any time to update your information and take advantage of these features:

    • Business Directory Listing - your business information is available to consumers through the chamber’s website – visitors can search by category, keyword or alphabetically
    • Online Informational Brochure  - your own page on the chamber’s website which can include your business description, hours of operation, location information, and up to eight keywords (these help identify your business when a website visitor does a keyword search on the Business Directory)
    • Job Postings– add your own job openings to the Chamber’s website*
    • Hot Deals – include store coupons and special offers on the Chamber’s website*
    • Event Posting - add your business’ events to the Chamber’s Online Events Calendar – Chamber website visitors can add your event to Outlook, e-mail the details to a friend and request an automatically generated email reminder for your event
    • "Email to a friend" link - visitors to your Online Informational Brochure may select a link to email your business information to a friend

    Join now to gain access to all of these features!  By becoming a member, we think you will agree that there are few more valuable, yet affordable marketing and networking opportunities available.

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