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  • Lake City Christmas Parade 2024

    Friday, December 6 at 6pm

  • Join us for the kickoff of the Hometown Holidays Christmas Festival!

    The Greater Lake City Chamber of Commerce invites YOU to participate in the most FUN and well-attended parade around—our After Dark Christmas Parade! This unique event takes place AFTER DARK, so Christmas LIGHTS and decor are mandatory to participate.

    Parade size is limited. Be sure to register before it's too late!



    Key Information:

    1. Line-Up: 5:00 PM at the parking lot in front of Roses/Dollar Tree on Kelley Street.

    2. Parade Route: The parade will head east down Main Street through downtown, turn right on Church Street, and end at The Bean Market. 

    3. Entry Fee: $40

    Chamber Member Discount: $35

    4. Only one unit entry per organization is allowed. One unit includes:

    - Up to 1 car, van, or light-duty truck = 1 unit

    - Up to 2 golf carts, ATVs, or motorcycles = 1 unit

    - Up to 1 float (a vehicle pulling a trailer is considered a float) = 1 unit

    - Up to 50 walkers = 1 unit

    5. All entries must be decorated! Christmas lights are strongly encouraged, as well as banners, spotlights, (clean) music, costumes, etc. 

    6. Santa: Santa will be sponsored on NanYa's float this year. NO OTHER SANTAS ALLOWED!

    7. Placement: We cannot guarentee placement. If you wish to be ahead/behind anyone in particular, please arrive together at line-up.

    8. Entry Deadline: Friday, November 22, 2024. A $20 late fee applies for entries submitted after this date.

    Entry Types: 

    Vehicles, Trailers, Floats

    • Entries may include 1 float (vehicle pulling a trailer), 1 car, 1 light-duty truck, or 1 van, with/without walkers.
    • Pro tip - Aim for a minimum of 1,000 lights incorporated into your Christmas decorations. Spotlights are also welcomed!
    • Participants should dress in festive attire—think Santa hats, reindeer antlers, elf costumes, or Christmas-themed clothing. Please refrain from wearing Santa costumes, as we will have ONLY ONE SANTA in the parade!
    • SouthEastern Float Company is the only float company in the state with float rentals for after dark events. Supply is limited! Give them a call ASAP (803)-917-0644. 

    Golf Carts/ATVs/Motorcycles

    • A maximum of 2 golf carts/ATVs/Motorcycles per entry.
    • Pro tip - Use at least 250 lights for decorations.
    • Dress festive, but remember, ONE ONE SANTA in the parade!

    Walking Units

    • Maximum of 50 participants per unit.
    • Pro tip - Dress in Christmas-themed costumes to include flashing accessories like lightup necklaces, glow sticks, etc. to brighten the festivities. Remember, ONLY ONE SANTA in the parade!

    All entries must represent a definable group or organization.